anton maximov


17 August 2007


from (via amit gupta through seth godin):

What is Jelly? Every other Thursday, we invite people to work from our home for the day. We provide chairs and sofas, wireless internet, and interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off of. You bring a laptop (or whatever you need to get work done) and a friendly disposition.

as i mentioned before, sometimes i do need people around to be more creative, think stuff through, or simply guard me from distractions (no matter how unintuitive this might sound!). unfortunately, i do not see an abundance of laid-back coffee-shops in manhattan. i also like working at friends’ places (sometimes only because i am too lazy to clean my own!). i am not a freelancer, but i can see how one would need to get out if working from home full-time.

so this is a great idea. even if i cannot make it to this particular incarnation, it is something to keep in mind.

it seems to be a bit different from the “established” co-working (, for instance), because it is more personal – our home, not a communal place.