anton maximov


14 September 2007

interviewing the interviewer

looking back i am surprised at how little importance i saw in the process of interviewing the interviewer.


it’s pretty simple – for me the main criterion is how good the people are that i will be working with. they have to be better than me, and i have to be able to learn from them. once this is in place, everything else does not matter as much.

it would be ideal to work on a great project, but even given a bad project, good people can make it worthwhile.

how do you recognize great people? well, i wrote about it before. everything else is icing – useful, but not a replacement for the good people.

ideally, you already know them – user groups, conferences, friends, books, mailing lists, or you simply worked with them in the past. this is how it should be – you are setting out to work with people you look up to on the projects that interest you.

disclaimers galore: mid size to big company, certain amount of evilness is expected and tolerated for a greater goal. this is mostly a memory crutch for myself (i actually had it written down and would whip it out during the interviews).


i had a prospective manager interview me once, and he kept telling me how boring the job was, and how stupid the users were, and how underpaid i would be. while i appreciated the frankness, i could not believe that he expected me to take up a job after such introduction. the whole concept of marketing your company to a prospective employee apparently never even entered the picture.

working conditions


in general i am after gelled teams – those that know each others’ strength and weaknesses, those that figured out how they can work together and get stuff done. those that simply have fun


in addition, i really like the idea of mentorship – assigning a mentor to a new hire. ideally it happens naturally (in a nurturing and caring team), but it would help to make it a recognized practice. it would be someone with significant experience in the industry and in the company; this person will help to “bootstrap” the new hire (in the ways HR never could) as well as help them navigate the company and grow. having a fellow employee in this role as opposed to an HR generalist will be much more effective.

software development cycle

current project


this last one is interesting. it took me a while to realize that (surprise, surprise!) i simply might not be someone they are looking for.

i noticed that being interviewed puts me in a mode where i am trying so hard to be liked, to please the interviewer. this is certainly natural, but quickly becomes evil, if not held in check (“yes, i would love doing 24/7 support for that cobol app written by mental asylum patients during their work therapy course twenty years ago”).

it is simply counterproductive for both of us. yes, this is a job they’ve got, and yes, it is important, and someone has to do it. indeed, i could do it, just like i could do a myriad other things, but i am after something else. this is perfectly OK, unless you are desperate, of course. and this is where the trick is – know what you are worth and always remember what is important to you and what you are after.